I guide you to transform & release the conditioned ‘parts of you’ that keep you stuck & limit your experience, enabling you to become the fullest expression of your Self
IFS Parts Work & Somatic Narrative Healing
In addition to getting to know each other, in this session I guide you (optional) to access your subconscious mind, where you can witness the aspects that make up your unique inner world, or internal family system; including your intuitive true Self & various other 'parts' or 'subpersonalities' of you (for ex. the inner child or inner critic). Developing a harmonious inner world, a supportive relationship with your 'parts' (for ex. the inner child or inner critic) and awareness of their roles, behaviours, feelings, beliefs and experiences that formed them, is integral to inner and outer transformation or actualising your vision; achieving your goals, highest potential, soul purpose, emotional wellbeing and desired manifestations